Syntactic constancy of the verb between English and Czech

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In the present paper the term verb is used to denote its syntactic function, i.e. not as a word class term but as a term designating the clause-constitutive element. Specifically, it refers to verb phrases containing a finite verb, whether alone or in a compound form which incorporates, in addition to the finite verb, one or more nonfinite forms. The verb thus defined (this limitation being necessary with regard to the syntactic functions of nonfinite verb forms) differs from the nominal and adverbial clause elements in two respects: first in its relationship to its regular realization form, the finite verb form, which has only this one function. Secondly, it differs in its predicative force: in regular sentences it is the element that constitutes the predicative act. The first of these features is reflected in the FSP function of the verb, the second in the major types of its syntactically divergent counterparts.


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