On Some Specific FSP Features of Presentation Scale Sentences in the Gospel of Luke


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978-80-7368-946-9 (vyhledej v knihovnách)

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In the framework of the theory of functional sentence perspective (FSP), every sentence implements one of the dynamic semantic scales, which functionally reflect the distribution of the degrees of communicative dynamism (Firbas, 1992). Firbas distinguishes two principal types of dynamic semantic scales: the Presentation Scale and the Quality Scale. The present paper discusses the FSP make-up of the sentences that implement the Presentation Scale and operate within the New Testament narratives. Namely, it proposes to look at the Gospel of Luke, focusing on some specific FSP issues of the Pr-sentences employed in the text. The corpus-based analysis also aims at a syntactic semantic typology of the sentences implementing the Presentation Scale.


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