Africká studia jako součást přípravy budoucích učitelů angličtiny

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978-80-8094-545-9 (vyhledej v knihovnách)



The aim of this paper is to examine the reasons for including social and cultural aspects of the African continent into the syllabi of English language teacher training curricula. As the geo-demographical facts prove, there is a large English speaking population in Africa. Because of the problems African countries face today, a strong migration to Europe is part of everyday reality. This may result in cross-cultural contacts, and/or even clashes, between Africans and Europeans, who do come from different social and cultural backgrounds, and are dissimilar in the historical experience. To avoid such problems and to reduce inequities in society, it might be a reasonable aim to incorporate the topics under discussion into the training of future teachers of the English language. Admitting for a little exaggeration, I believe that good education contributes to the wealth and health of the world. More realistically, it could be stated that acquiring the knowledge of African life and institutions will provide practical outcomes, especially as regards tourism, business, culture, charity, and motivation of the prospective students and teachers of English.


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United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (2005). Statistical Profile of the Least Developed Countries. New York and Geneva: United Nations.