Copular Verbs Sound and Look and their Czech Counterparts

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Both in Czech and in English copular clauses, i.e. clauses with a verbo-nominal predicate comprising a copular verb and a subject complement, are used to ascribe a quality, property or value to the subject. While both languages make use of copular verbs be and become (být, stát se, respectively, in Czech), the repertoire of copular verbs is much broader in English, making it possible to distinguish between various types of attribution (e.g. verbs of ‘seeming’, verbs of ‘remaining’ etc.). In the present paper we shall focus on two copular verbs, sound and look, which primarily serve to express ‘attribution based on perception through the senses’. Since these copulas have no direct Czech counterparts, the question arises of what means are employed in Czech to express such ‘modified attribution’ and, on the other hand, what the constructions used in Czech can suggest of the meaning of the respective copular verbs in English.


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