Comparing Collocations Across Languages: An English-Czech Sample


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Believing that contrastive study of collocations is a long-overdue task, we have tried to suggest how comparable and parallel corpora can be made use of. The proposed synset procedure, applicable to parallel corpora, gives a comprehensive, yet succinct account of the collocation patterns of a node and allows comparison with an equivalent node in another language. The procedure could presumably be simplified by using Kilgariff’s Word Sketch. It could do away with the laborious gathering of collocates (and reduce their number), parsing and assignment of syntactic functions and make it immediately possible to start with the key stages: division of collocates into synsets and the actual comparison of the situation in each language. Analysis of collocations in a parallel corpus introduces another aspect, degrees of correspondence between collocations across languages, and raises the issue of mismatches, or collocational faux amis.


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