On expressing stance in academic discourse: Self-sourced reporting clauses

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978-83-7432-481-6 (vyhledej v knihovnách)



Stance plays an important role in academic discourse, since it is by the expression of attitudes, judgements and assessment towards one’s own work and the work of others that the writers try to construct a coherent and credible representation of themselves and their research. Moreover, stance markers function as signals which guide the reader towards an intended interpretation of the text, thus contributing to the perception of textual coherence.
This investigation tries to contribute to the study of the expression of stance in academic English on the basis of an analysis of the choice of self-reference items and reporting verbs in self-sourced reports in unpublished undergraduate and graduate theses. The study is applied to a corpus of theses in the field of methodology and linguistics written by Czech students of English language and literature; accordingly an additional aim of this investigation is to compare the expression of stance in non-native ‘apprentice’ writers’ academic work to the standard in published research articles.


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