A Few Remarks on the History of Doctor–Patient Communication Research

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978-80-7290-347-4 (vyhledej v knihovnách)



The paper reviews the most notable contributions to the research on the rapport between doctors and patients. The author is particularly interested in the monographs written by British and American scientists who take linguistic data as a significant point of departure in their analyses and, moreover, who investigate methods of how the communication in the medical environment can be studied and improved.


Byrne, P. and Long, B., 1976. Doctors Talking to Patients. Exeter: Royal College of General Practitioners.
Fairclough, N., 1989. Language and Power. London: Longman.
Foucalt, M., 1993. Dějiny šílenství [History of Madness]. Praha: Lidové noviny.
Gwyn, R., 2002. Communicating Health and Illness. London: SAGE.
Hetah, C., 1992. “The Delivery and Reception of Diagnosis in the General-Practice Consultation”. In: P. Drew and J. Heritage, eds. Talk at Work. Cambridge: CUP, 235-267.
Henzl, V., 1989. “Linguistic Means of Distancing in Physician-Patient Communication”. In: W. Raffler-Engel, ed. Doctor-Patient Interaction. Philadelphia: Benjamins, 77-89.
Jewson, N., 1976. “The Disappearance of the Sick-Man from Medical Cosmology,
1770-1870”. Sociology, 10 (2), 225-244.
Maseide, P., 1991. “Possibly Abusive, Often Benign, and Always Necessary. On Power and Domination in Medical Practice”. Sociology of Health and Illness, 13 (4), 545-561.
Maynard, D., 2003. Bad News, Good News. Conversational Order in Everyday Talk and Clinical Settings. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Mishler, E., 1984. The Discourse of Medicine. Norwood, NJ: Ablex..
Pendleton, D. and Hasler, J., 1983. Doctor-Patient Communication. London: Academic Press.
Roter, D. and Hall, J., 1992. Doctors Talking with Patients/Patients Talking with Doctors. Westport: Auburn House.
Silverman, D., 1987. Communication and Medical Practice. London: SAGE.
Todd, A., 1983. “A Diagnosis of Doctor-Patient Discourse in the Prescription of
Contraception”. In: S. Fisher and A. Todd, eds. The Social Organization of Doctor-Patient Communication. Washington, D.C.: The Center for Applied Linguistics, 159-188.
Wynn, R., 1995. The Linguistics of Doctor-Patient Communication. Oslo: Novus Press.