Assessment Approaches to Teaching Mathematics in English as a Foreign Language (Czech Experience)

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For many centuries the concept of linguistic diversity has been well established in Europe as a result of natural development and socio-cultural interaction. More recently, multilingualism has been adopted as a leading concept facilitating European integration. In 1995 the European Commission adopted the document on education “Teaching and Learning. Towards the learning society”. It declares proficiency in three Community languages as a prior objective. Multilingual education brings about many issues to be addressed, e.g. changes of curriculum,
teacher education, teaching methods and assessment instruments. Despite the large number of existing pilot projects such as Content and Language Integrated Learning, there is a lack of valid and reliable assessment approaches that should reflect the interaction of both internal and external factors in the cognitive and linguistic development of bilingual students. The paper strives to examine some of the aspects of testing integration both within and across the domains of mathematics, linguistics and language proficiency.


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