Exploring interactive discourse markers in academic spoken discourse

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978-1-4438-1308-2 (vyhledej v knihovnách)

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Spoken interaction including academic discourse can be characterized by many features which are typical only of the spoken variety of the language. One of these features is the frequent use of what in the relevant literature is probably most commonly referred to as “discourse markers” (e.g. Schiffrin 1987, Fraser 1990, Stenström 1994, Lenk 1995, Aijmer 1996, Jucker and Ziv 1998, Biber et al. 1999). Although there are many other labels used for these seemingly empty or meaningless expressions and phrases abundant in spoken language (Erman 1986, Brinton 1996), the author of this paper adds yet another label, namely “interactive discourse markers” (IDMs), since she considers this the most suitable term for the clausal forms of her investigation, such as you know, you see, I mean and I think. The aim of her study is to discuss and exemplify possible pragmatic functions of these markers in academic spoken discourse (LLC and MICASE), in particular when these are used to enhance the smooth flow of interaction and contribute to the establishment of discourse coherence, which is understood as the result of an ongoing cooperative process of negotiation of meaning between all discourse participants.


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