Vytýkací konstrukce v angličtině a v norštině. Kontrastivní studie

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The paper compares the cleft construction in English and Norwegian. The analysis is carried out on a sample of 100 English and 100 Norwegian examples translated from Czech. The
paper focuses on the motivation for the use of the cleft construction. There are three main types of motivation described here: FSP, textual and syntactic. The FSP motivation is recognised
either when the Czech original includes some explicit focusing device or when the only function of the cleft is to give more prominence to the focused element. The types of
textual motivation analysed in this thesis are contrast, selection, identification, summarising function, topic launching and topic linking. The syntactic motivation appears to play its role
in English clefts with a negative or restrictive adjunct in focus because the non-cleft counterpart would require an S–V inversion and would be stylistically marked. The second type of
syntactic motivation appears in Norwegian interrogative clefts. The main function of the cleft construction in these sentences is to move the rhematic element from the subject position.


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